
When we travel and experience the world, the marks left by other people throughout history influence us and inspire new ideas that help us leave our own mark on this world. Jerulita is a tour operator company founded in 1999. Our mission is to help travelers learn about the culture, heritage, and historical value that places around the world have. Our tours are led by friendly passionate and knowledgeable tour guides. They are always happy to answer questions, make you laugh, tell local stories, and little known facts. Whether you’re looking for a city tour, a bus tour, or solo travel we guarantee your experience with us will be memorable.


A tantalising taste experience in Israel’s historic food markets. Embark on a culinary journey with a professional chef through the colourful and diverse food culture of Israel. Choose from Israel’s historic markets in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem and learn about the essential local ingredients, savour delicious flavour from the market and learn about the history of the people who have been trading there for years and years.

White City Tour

The ultimate Tel Aviv encounter through the lens of Art, Architecture and food

Get to know Tel Aviv’s History through the perspective of its UNESCO protected architecture, diverse food culture and Street Art. The tour will take us into the heart of the city, the Carmel market , the oldest neighbourhood of Tel Aviv, the American colony and the up-and-coming Florentine. The guide will share his knowledge, personal stories and anecdotes and bring his experience both as professional artist and chef. The following is some of the content that I cover in my tours:

Cultural diversity and influences on local cuisine/ Is there such a thing as Israeli food?/ Hummus – a love story from the bible / Ashkenazi vs Sephardic/ Kosher law

What is Tel- Aviv without Jaffa / From sand dunes to city / Eclectic style, Bauhaus, brutalism, contemporary/ Le corbusier’s five points of architecture / Garden city / White city, city of
balconies, city of kiosks / Yehuda Magidowitch / Zeev rechter/ Arpad Gut / Joseph Berlin Rothchild/ nahmani / ehad haam/ maze/ Allenby / neve zedek

Florentine history  – bourgeoisie to urban decay to hipster to posh/ Gentrification – the good the bad and the ugly / Techniques of street art – stencil, free hand, paste up / Street art vs Graffiti / Graffiti lingo- tag , bomb, masterpiece, etc.

Approaches and subject matter – political, site specific work, protest base, decorative

Sened, Dede, Mihal Rubin, The MissK, ID, Solomon Souza, Nitzan Mintz, Logik, yigal shtayim, hashtag, Sarah Erenthal, Kislev

Wine Tasting by Night in Old Jaffa

An fascinating Journey of Jaffa’s history through local wines!

Step into the ancient streets of Jaffa and explore the old city through sights, stories and the finest local wines. We will start at the American- German colony sampling local sparkling wine, walk past a Well-House to discover Jaffa’s major industry a century ago and climb up a hill to get a glimpse of the shining lights of Tel Aviv . At each stop we will sample some wine and lean about the unique vineyard the produces it. We will conclude at the flea market, the heart of the night life in Jaffa, with our final tasting and a little snack.

Mondays – Saturdays 19:00- 21:00 or 21:00 – 23:00 except Fridays

YIVO’s 2022 Study Tours

Lithuania & Poland

Join YIVO for an enlightening journey to Lithuania and Poland. Examine the life that was lived as you reconnect with your own heritage. Discover the remarkable treasures of old Warsaw, Kraków, Vilnius, and the magical Białowieża Forest.


Literary Tour of Jewish Galicia

Due to popular demand and the success of the 2018 tour, YIVO will host its second Literary Tour of Jewish Galicia, where we will read the works of writers such as Peretz, Bruno Schulz, Agnon, Celan, Babel, and many others in the places that they were written, and travel through the historic landscape that shaped them.


St. Petersburg – Moscow – Prague

YIVO is proud to announce a study tour to St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Prague. This tour will explore the history of Russian and Soviet Jewry, as well as visit some of the major attractions of these two Russian capitals. The tour will conclude in Prague, one of Europe’s most beautiful cities and home to one of the oldest Jewish communities in Europe.

Hopla Guide

Hi there! We are Laura et Georges, the team behind Hopla Guide.

We run this project together, and in our spare time, we run our life together. We are an international couple, she’s Argentinian, he’s French, but both “Made in Alsace”.

Travellers, food lovers, culture addicts, wanderers… our lives brought us in many places, from Europe to Latin America.

Every trip, we seek for authentic experiences. We want to discover it all, but freely, spontaneously.

During our trips, we found ourselves with two options: either we had to follow a guided group, losing our independence, or wander around with the feeling of missing out on important places.

What to see ? In what order ? And what souvenirs to buy and bring back home ?

Is there no other way?

What if we could visit a city on our own, with freedom and flexibility, and be sure we are going to see everything, learn about the local culture, and have fun at the same time?

What if we could be guided explorers?

One day, we decided to put our abilities together and innovate. Laura has a master’s degree in tourism specialized in management, marketing and eco-sustainability. Georges has a master’s degree in history of art from Paris-Sorbonne university. We both have professional experience in tourism companies.

That is how Hopla Guide started. We built a solution, reimagined guided tours, and created a complete experience, both physical and digital.

Cultural information had to be accessible to the explorer at any time, so we chose to build a mobile app, allowing interactivity and flexibility.

But we wanted to go further and create something that doesn’t stay on your phone but materialises in the real world. So we selected exciting items that enhance the visit and bring the tour on another level of interaction, using other senses : touch, taste and smell.

We believe in slow tourism, in a respectful and deeper way of discovering. We empower little groups to live a true cultural exploration, not just a quick run in the city to take some pictures and go away without learning anything. Our explorers are meant to get an honest grasp of the local identity.

We invite you to take part in our story and give a chance to another kind of cultural experience.

Jewish Colmar

Part of Germany until 1681, Colmar has a Jewish community that dates back to the mid-13th century. The medieval community, which owned a synagogue, mikvah, and a cemetery, settled between the present Rue Chauffour and Rue Berthe-Molly (then names Rue des Juifs).

We can arrange for you to visit the Colmar Synagogue, originally built in 1840. This neo-Romanesque synagogue was destroyed by the Nazis during World War II and then restored by the local community after the war. You may also tour the Musée Bartholdi, which contains a fine collection of Jewish rituals objects and synagogue furnishings. The museum is located in the house of Auguste Bartholdi, the sculptor of the Statue of Liberty. Another museum to see this year is the newly renovated Unterlinden, listed as one of the notable destinations for 2016.

Judaism in Colmar

In the streets of Colmar, discover the symbols, statues and inscriptions that tell the story of the city´s Jewish community.

At the Bartholdi museum, you will visit a room entirely dedicated to its history, presenting items from Jewish family ritual. You will also be able to get inside the Colmar synagogue, which is quite exceptional, as a synagogue is not usually open to the public.

Jewish Seville: La Judería

Discover with us the most beautiful corners and the most illustrious characters of what was the most extensive Jewish quarter of the Iberian Peninsula.
The Jewish Quarter of Seville is the ultimate place to retrace the footprints of Jewish history in Spain. A neighborhood of singular beauty described by the great romantic travelers of the 19th century. A place to discover the fascinating history of the Jews in the capital of Andalusia.
This visit can be combined with a visit to the Real Alcazar, the oldest royal palace in use in Europe. In the Royal Palace of Seville, Jewish intellectuals, musicians and poets played an important role both in the court of the Muslim king Al-Mutamid and in the court of the Christian kings Fernando III and Alfonso X.
Discover with us the heart of Jewish Andalusia and the fascinating story of the Royal Jews of Seville.

🌍 Celebrating One Year of the Jewish Silk Road Portal

World Jewish Travel was thrilled at #IMTM 2024 to present a copy of the WJT Jewish Silk Road Pressbook to the CEO of the Azerbaijan National Tourism Board Florian Sengstschmid and Jamilya Talibzade its Israeli representative Azerbaijan Tourism Board (ATB).

The Pressbook celebrates the one year anniversary of the Jewish Silk Road Portal launch, an amazing example of using Jewish travel as a means of cultural diplomacy, whilst highlighting the significant Jewish contribution to the ancient trade route. Kudos to our participating partners from the Kiriaty Foundation (Turkey), National Board of Tourism of #Georgia, National Board of Tourism of #Uzbekistan, and Israeli Embassy of #India. 

See the overwhelming reaction from the press, by downloading our free pressbook. Special thanks to Moshe Gilad of the @haaretzcom for highlighting this forgotten but important story in the Galeria section of the newspaper and available to download on WJT.

👉Link to WJT Jewsih Silk Rad Pressbook and more is in our bio

🌍 Celebrating One Year of the Jewish Silk Road Portal

World Jewish Travel was thrilled at #IMTM 2024 to present a copy of the WJT Jewish Silk Road Pressbook to the CEO of the Azerbaijan National Tourism Board Florian Sengstschmid and Jamilya Talibzade its Israeli representative Azerbaijan Tourism Board (ATB).

The Pressbook celebrates the one year anniversary of the Jewish Silk Road Portal launch, an amazing example of using Jewish travel as a means of cultural diplomacy, whilst highlighting the significant Jewish contribution to the ancient trade route. Kudos to our participating partners from the Kiriaty Foundation (Turkey), National Board of Tourism of #Georgia, National Board of Tourism of #Uzbekistan, and Israeli Embassy of #India.

See the overwhelming reaction from the press, by downloading our free pressbook. Special thanks to Moshe Gilad of the @haaretzcom for highlighting this forgotten but important story in the Galeria section of the newspaper and available to download on WJT.

👉Link to WJT Jewsih Silk Rad Pressbook and more is in our bio

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Step into the soul-stirring Pesach traditions of Jerusalem virtually. Experience the resonating echoes of Birkat Kohanim🌿

 Link is in our bio

#VirtualTravel #JerusalemVibes #SpiritualJourney #JewishTravel #Isarel  #BirkatKohanim #JewishJerusalem

Step into the soul-stirring Pesach traditions of Jerusalem virtually. Experience the resonating echoes of Birkat Kohanim🌿

Link is in our bio

#VirtualTravel #JerusalemVibes #SpiritualJourney #JewishTravel #Isarel #BirkatKohanim #JewishJerusalem

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Discover the enigmatic “Donkey Stable” in Jerusalem's underground. Unveil the city's secrets from home. 🌌

Find link in our bio

#JerusalemUnderground #CitySecrets #ExploreHistory #JewishTravel #Israel #Travel #WesternWall

Discover the enigmatic “Donkey Stable” in Jerusalem`s underground. Unveil the city`s secrets from home. 🌌

Find link in our bio

#JerusalemUnderground #CitySecrets #ExploreHistory #JewishTravel #Israel #Travel #WesternWall

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