At Spain's very far East is Girona. Girona's beauty is the hilly Capuchins to the east of the river Onyar; the modern town on the plains of the west is breathtaking and varied. Nowadays, Girona is a popular day trip for tourists from Barcelona, and houses many museums, a commemorative square and a university. Its Jewish past, dating from the late 9th century, is not completely obvious at first glance; for that, you have to dig a little deeper. Take a visit to the Bonastruc ça Porta Centre, the Jewish Museum, within the boundaries of the Jewish Calla (quarter). You can also visit Girona's final synagogue of the 15th century which details all areas of medieval Spanish-Jewish life, including the most famous Jewish Gironan of all, the celebrated Talmudist Nahmanides
Famous personalities:
Moses ben Nahman, Nachmanidies (1194-1270)